Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We call for an international day in defense of life and health of Chairman Gonzalo

We call for an international day in defense of life and health of Chairman Gonzalo

Chairman Gonzalo’s health

July 29, 2013

What does genocidal fascist Humala say?

Our position

An international day in defense of life and health of Chairman Gonzalo

Fight for Chairman Gonzalo means fight for Communism!

Chairman Gonzalo has been in prison for twenty one years. During these long years, has never been admitted at any hospital, and has suffered a very difficult life, and has had health problems without receiving sufficient health care.

Chairman Gonzalo’s Health

It is said that Chairman Gonzalo suffers from heart disease, and he is quoted that he has never been hospitalized as long as he has been in prison (21 years long).

July 29, 2013

For the first time, was admitted to the hospital (Callao Hospital) in July 29, 2013, in the morning, but:
“After a major discomfort, it was urgently transferred to the naval base hospital where he is detained in a special regime for 21 years” (secoursrougge)

What does genocidal fascist, Humala say?

The butcher of Peruvian masses, Humala, which enjoys the power as the president of Peru country, is as dirty and country selling as was Fujimori.
This country selling politician, who is the enemy of Peruvian masses, and No.1 enemy of Peruvian Maoists, has warned that he does not care if Chairman Gonzalo’s health worsens:
“We cannot guarantee the health of a person of 80 years, and that must be left clear”
(Guadalupe Perez, mandated by genocidal, fascist and traitor old Peruvian President Humala) (vnd-peru)

Our Position

We once again reaffirm our selves in defense of Chairman Gonzalo’s health and life.
We as Communists, announce that:
Organization of the workers of Afghanistan (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist) upholds Chairman Gonzalo as the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist in the face of earth. So, we defend his life and demand for his health certainty.

An international Day in defense of life of Chairman Gonzalo

We call all communists and democratic forces of the world, and we ask the oppressed masses of the world, to once again rise in struggle, and defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo, appointing a day, as an INTERNATIONAL DAY IN DEFENSE OF HEALTH AND LIFE OF CHAIRMAN GONZALO.
We welcome protests, demonstrations and revolutionary rallies in such day, and we are for armed uprisings all over the world to push the Peruvian Fascist ruling clique not to be allowed to kill our beloved leader, the Jefi Chairman Gonzalo, who has given the formulation of Maoism, as new, third and higher stage in international ideology of the proletariat.
It is right to rebel, and it is right to rebel against the enemies of Chairman Gonzalo. Chairman Gonzalo is the red banner of liberation of the oppressed masses of the world. He is People’s War until communism. So, all communists, all revolutionary forces and the people of the world, stand in favor of his life and warn the imperialists, mainly Yankee imperialists and their puppets not to harm our leader. Otherwise, we will revenge, and we will show them the strength and zeal of proletarian class.
We warn the same to Humala and his traitor team, what PCP had already told the genocidal Fujimori and his dirty regime:
"We warn the genocidal traitor resolutely Fujimori, to the cowardly and genocidal armed forces who run it, specialists and experts defeats primed with the unarmed masses, the church hierarchy, judges and bureaucrats who support the genocide, and his great titiriero, mainly Yankee imperialism, to answer for the life and health of our boss because, otherwise, to happen some pay with their lives and those of all his fellows, whatever the takes. " 
 (Communist Party of Peru, Central Committee, Resolution December 1992)

Fight for Chairman Gonzalo means fight for Communism

Today, it is Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful thought that gives the correct formulation of the scientific ideology of the international proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism.
The international line, Democratic line, mass line and military line of Communist Party of Peru which has been authored by Chairman Gonzalo, have international importance and great significance for world proletarian revolution. Chairman Gonzalo’s contributions are combat weapons that enables us the smash the rotten “new synthesis of Bob Avakian” and “Kiran-Prachanda twins revisionism of renegades of Nepal”. So, in defense of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, we have to defend the legacy of its major contributions, and those major contributions are those who represent the all-powerful formulation of MLM by Chairman Gonzalo. The above mentioned LINES are the extract of MLM in our epoch. So, to fight for Chairman Gonzalo’s life means to fight for Communism. We ask for unconditional release of Chairman Gonzalo, and we fight for it
Proletarians and    Oppressed masses of the world unite!
Fight for Chairman Gonzalo, fight for Communism!
Red salutes to PCP and People’s War in Peru!
Long life Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism!
People’s War until Communism!

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